2025.01.29: I've pretty much just been updating books as I keep mowing through a bunch of light novels.
2025.01.20: Added The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen and some dropped anime in anime. Added Good Grief in eyeballs. Added two light novels in books.
2025.01.13: Added thoughts for Kotaro Lives Alone, and also added a "quick drop" list (aka a list of all of the anime that I've dropped so far this season) in anime.
2025.01.08: Added a January 2025 link to the diary page!
2025.01.06: I'm back to work so I guess I'll be updating here a lot more frequently again since I'm chained to my desk every day. Planning to add a bunch of book reviews because I just burned through a ton of light novels recently. Not sure if I'll separate out light novels and manga and put them on their own page...
2024.12.29: Moved some of my reviews from the eyeballs page to a new anime page. I also updated the nav bar to include it. Going to be adding more anime thoughts from the shows I watched this season soon. I'm also going to be updating eyeballs but I'm not sure how I'm going to organize the tv/movies yet. I'm thinking I might add a little navigation section at the top and organize it by month watched? I also kinda want to redo my art pages, but idk. I'll have to think on that.
2024.12.19: Tbh not sure if I want to update this page every time I add a new review or entry or not, which is why I haven't written anything here in a while. But! On that note, since it's the end of the fall 2024 anime season, I'll be posting a bunch of thoughts in the coming week or two as I finish them up.
2024.12.09: Attempted to add a lazy loading tag to the pictures in my art and fanart pages. Not sure if it'll work lol... but how they load is really bothering me so idk. Gonna look into more fixes.
2024.12.08: Added a diary entry. Added my thoughts on GBBO S15 to eyeballs. BEWARE OF SPOILERS.
2024.12.05: Added one 2 movies (Holidate & Nimona) to eyeballs. Changed the page so that all of the sections are "open" now instead of "closed". I just think it looks better. Beware of spoilers! Changed the same thing on the books page as well. Added a diary entry. Fixed my navigation links. Added another list to lists.
2024.12.02: Added 2 Christmas movies to eyeballs.
2024.12.01: Happy December! I just added another Christmas movie review to eyeballs.
2024.11.30: Updated my mascot so it looks more like an actual milkfish! Added a Christmas movie review to eyeballs. Added four drawings to art. Changed my background so it's more festive π
2024.11.29: Added a movie review (Uglies) to eyeballs. Added a diary entry.
2024.11.28: Happy Thanksgiving! Added a new button (not sure how I feel about it tbh. I need to get better at button making lol). Added a review to eyeballs. Added more buttons to my neighborhood page of sites I think are pretty neat. Added a doodle of myself to my about page. Gave my mascot a santa hat and Christmas lights ;3
2024.11.27: Added a lists page. Changed some colors around. Messed around with the navigation box but then ended up hating it so I ended up only changing it very minimally lol. Changed the way my accordions look! My god it took forever lol. I may or may not change my fonts up again...... Added resources and tv/anime/movies (I'm calling it eyeballs hereafter since I watched it with my eyeballs) pages & updated navigation. Also I changed the hover on my links so now it's a fun little gradient.
2024.11.26: Added a diary entry. Tried and failed to make a page with even more boxes, so it's back to the boxing ring drawing board. Planning to make a list page soon! Added two art pieces to art. My god I've been working on the red jars for days and I am so mentally pooped. I never want to see red again!!
2024.11.25: Added a construction hat to my mascot hehe. Changed the fonts on my main page and adjusted the box sizes on the main page. Also moved some stuff that was in my about section to the main page. Updating all my other pages with the new layout. Majorly updated diary page.
2024.11.24: Moved my button from the neighborhood page over to the main page. Added mouseover text to my navigation bar. Massive overhaul to my about page! Increased the line height on most of my text heavy pages for readability. Finally added a book to my book reports page! Added another diary entry. Updated this page! BOXES GALORE!
2024.11.22: added a diary entry. Added two drawings to art and added alt text to all art on the page.
2024.11.20: added a diary entry.
2024.11.19: added a status box and removed my planning box (not sure where I'll move that to yet. I'm trying to figure out how tf to align a box on the right side of the page and have it move with the page if you shrink the browser size, but no idea how to do that yet lol). Added more art to fanart & art and rearranged a couple things. Added a neighborhood page. Added my own button!
2024.11.18: changed the order in which the art on my fanart page appears.
2024.11.17: added updates and site plans sections to the main page, added a diary entry, changed around various links around my site, changed around various cosmetic things on my site. I am very proud of my boxes on this page, lol. Added art to my art and fanart pages!